Brampton, Ontario

Located at the intersection of Steeles Avenue and Main Street South (Highway 10) in Brampton, Ontario, the site is well-positioned and in close proximity to the planned transit. The site is within 400 metres of the Brampton Gateway Terminal and is serviced by ZÜM and the Hurontario LRT. This first phase of development is part of a larger Master Planned community that will revitalize Shoppers World Brampton into a thriving mixed-use community.

About the project

Project Status

RioCan submitted a joint application to the City of Brampton for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision for the entire Shoppers World Brampton site in October 2019. The final Zoning approval obtained in November 2020 along with the future Subdivision Approval will together allow RioCan to revitalize the Shoppers World Brampton site into a thriving mixed-use community.

The Master Plan establishes the parameters for a mixed-use community featuring mid- and high-rise buildings, community amenities, and a network of exceptional open spaces. RioCan is currently undergoing the Site Plan review process for the first phase of development that will create two landmark buildings at the intersection of Steeles Avenue West and future Street 2, which will align with Lancashire Lane on the south side of Steeles Avenue West. The proposed buildings and the associated landscaping and public realm improvements will create a vibrant gateway that will anchor the transformed Uptown Brampton.


    June 2022

    RioCan submitted a Site Plan application on June 22, 2022 for Phase 1A.


    November 2020

    A Zoning-Bylaw Amendment was approved by Brampton City Council on November 25, 2020 with the Plan of Subdivision still ongoing.

Project Description

The proposed first phase of the development (Phase 1A) will contribute to the long term vision to transform the existing Shoppers World Brampton site into a sustainable, transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly mixed-use community. Phase 1A will add two residential towers, bringing approximately 800 residential units, and four and a half underground parking levels to 1.6 acres of site.

Project location

Project Team

Frequently asked questions

  • What type of planning application was submitted?

    What type of planning application was submitted?

    RioCan has completed a rezoning for the entire site, submitted for Draft Plan of Subdivision, as well as submitted for Site Plan Approval for the first phase to the City of Brampton.

  • When did you submit your planning application?

    When did you submit your planning application?

    The Zoning By-law Amendment was approved by City Council on November 25, 2020 and Site Plan Approval was submitted on June 22, 2022 for Phase 1A. Draft Plan of Subdivision was submitted October 2019 and is still underway.

  • Once you’ve submitted your application to the City, does this mean it has been approved?

    Once you’ve submitted your application to the City, does this mean it has been approved?

    No, once an application is submitted to the City, it does not mean that is approved. RioCan will work with the City of Brampton through a formal approval process.

  • Now that you have submitted your application, what happens next?

    Now that you have submitted your application, what happens next?

    Resubmissions will have to be made upon receiving City comments. As the process formalizes, more information will be provided to the public.

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